Top 10 Netflix Tricks Every Netflix User Should Know in 2021

Netflix tricks and hacks in 2021

Millions of people subscribe to Netflix, a hugely popular online streaming service. They watch their favorite TV series and movies.

All by paying the monthly subscription fee to Netflix and signing up for services like Spectrum packages.

Netflix is a highly interactive platform, and its on-demand service is extremely popular among users. You may not know this, but there are many things you can do on Netflix to enhance your experience.

10 Best Netflix Tricks & Hacks In 2021 at Imslv

Read about the ten best tricks and hacks to get the most out of your favourite streaming platform called as Netflix.

1. Request a Program of Your Liking

You can request Netflix to stream the shows and movies that you like. If you are lucky enough, the company may add the program to their library.

You can request three titles in one go. If Netflix selects one of your suggestions, they’ll inform you through email. Make sure to take a screenshot of the mail and share it with your friends and family members on social media! Celebrate your success to your heart’s content!

2. Hide Your Activity

If you happened to watch a TV show without your better half, it’s time to erase it from the history of your Netflix account. Otherwise, get ready for a lot of resentment and possibly a concussion!

Make sure to go to the "Viewing Activity" option in your account. Here, you will see a detailed list of everything you have seen on the streaming platform. Now, press the “X” symbol on the thumbnail of the titles you've watched to remove them from your history.

3. Browse Using Search Codes

On the home screen, you may see certain categories from Netflix. You can use search codes to find them. All you have to do is visit Now, click on the web address and add the code next to “genre/”.

You can also get access to all the category codes from a simple Google search and examine the top results on the SERP.

4. Stop Buffering

You can stop video buffering on Netflix even if you have a weak internet connection due to maintenance work or a poor satellite internet connection. Open your Chrome browser and hold Ctrl, Shift, Alt/Opt+S.

A menu will open up that will allow you to control and manage stream settings. Here, you can choose from several fixes to resolve buffering issues.

Imagine the advantage of knowing this function. You can watch the episode of your favorite TV series without having to wait every few seconds for the video to buffer. Share this feature with your friends to make their lives easier too.

5. Control Data Usage

With Netflix, you can control the amount of data you’re consuming on your home internet or mobile data package. You will roughly use up to 3GB of internet data if you’re streaming 3-hour HD content on the platform.

For effective internet usage, go to My Account followed My Profile. Next, click on Playback Settings. Here, you can select the streaming quality from Auto, Low (0.3 gigabytes/hour), Medium (0.7 gigabytes/hour), or High (3 gigabytes/ hour).

This is a very helpful feature for people who rely solely on their mobile data plans. They can easily control the amount of data they use daily.

6. Customize the Font of Subtitles

You can change the default fonts if you do not like them. Go to Your Account. Next, click on "My Profile". Following this, click on "Subtitle Appearance".

Here, you can change the font settings to your liking and even change the background color of subtitles.

7. Use More than One Profile

The good news about Netflix is that you can create multiple accounts on a single subscription. This means that multiple users in a single household can stream simultaneously and watch their favourite content.

This will also allow all the unique users on an account to get recommendations for new content based on their interests.

8. Disable the Post-Play Feature

There is some bad news for Netflix users. It is quite addictive. You may start watching a TV series and may not be able to stop yourself from binging all the episodes in one day. Or as many as you can.

Therefore, you need to disable the Post-Play feature. Just go to the playback settings and uncheck the option that automatically plays the next episodes.

9. Easily Rewind or Forward a Few Seconds

It is not always convenient for PC users to use the mouse for forwarding and rewinding purposes. Simply hold "shift" and the left arrow key to rewind. To jump a few seconds ahead, hold "shift" and the right arrow key together.

10. Get Access to Critic Opinions or Reviews

When you have no shows to look up to, you often look for an expert opinion. Authorities like Rotten Tomatoes and IMDb credits provide Chrome extensions. Enable them to check out the reviews from critics.

These are the 10 Netflix tricks that you should be aware of to have a smooth experience on the platform.

You can navigate across the platform with ease. Not only that, but you can also enhance your viewing experience.

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